Thursday, April 30, 2009

front yard.. back yard!

I need to say first off that these pictures do not to these projects justice. I should wait and photograph them again but I'm tired and lazy so these will have to do. Come and see them in person to really enjoy them. This first picture is the mound out in front. We planted lots of flowers for summer and put on a thick cover of cedar mulch.
It should be pretty in a month or two!
We planted some pots on the handcart on the back of the mound.
Pops got this bench from Jack and Delores for his birthday. We put it together so we could use it in our next project.
Some of the bushes on this side of the house didn't survive the harsh winter this year. We trimmed them but it didn't look very good.
Some were overgrown and some were dead.
We added new soil in this bed and filled it with flowers and mulch to hold in the moisture.
The crushed rock in this bed was some that Pops crushed special just for this purpose several years ago. It is beautiful granite and Quartz and even some fools gold. We blew out the leaves and junk and washed it down.
We put the new bench on the gravel. It is beautiful and shady in the afternoon and Mom and Pops really like it.
Okay now let's start on the back yard projects.
First we planted a Japanese Maple surrounded by Azaleas under Mom and Pops bedroom window. This was just a weed patch but now with thick mulch the weeds shouldn't be too bad. The moister is provided by an underground drain with holes in it that comes from the roof that the guys buried. Looks nice doesn't it?
Our next projects caused a little damage to our truck. We were using the bumper to pull out some evergreens. Guess they were stronger than the bumper.

It was a fun show
Lots of big bushes to pull out
Dave and Pops would put a chain around them and then I would pull them out with the truck. I guess technically I'm the one who ruined the bumper but I also have the idea of how to fix it.
Pops sat out at the fire and burned the bushes in the pit. He uses the blower to fan the fire and it burns really fast.
No fire department this time!
When they pulled out the shrubs there was a big stump under there. They dug down and sawed it off so you can't tell there ever was one there.
Here are more shrubs by the stairs to cut out. They are all overgrown.

These pictures aren't very good but I'll try to take some finished project photos tomorrow. For now these will have to do.


Lisa said...

Wow, you guys are amazing! It looks so good! :)

janice said...

it's looking great!! (remember if you run out of things to do, my house is not that far away!)

Tracy Collings said...

Wow, you're making me tired!

Roy said...

Wow! You guys should come live with us for awhile. :) I can hardly wait to come see it in person next month.

Bump and Erin said...

Those junipers are terrible things aren't they? Bump calls them "spider bushes" because all they are good for is housing spiders! We about did the same thing to Jared's red truck trying to pull some of those out at Bump's parents house.

It all looks absolutely amazing!!

Anonymous said...

It looks like the Garden of Eden. You guys are amazing.

Laurence and Sidney said...

I am so impressed!!! You are so creative and make everything look so incredible!! What a blessing you are!! Love you tons

Unknown said...

Wow I hardly recognize the place. Thanks for taking so many pictures.

Unknown said...

The place is looking absolutely amazing! I don't know how you do it!

Mrs. Dickson said...

We are so lucky we got to see the projects in person! It really does look amazing. My favorite is the mound in front.