Thursday, December 18, 2008

It's still snowing and snowing and SNOWING!

Yes this snowman tells the story.... It snowed all night and is still snowing all day today. We don't see any let up in sight! Hope we can get out sometime. We are totally snowb0und right now. The news says there is 23 inches in parts of Arlington.
Sherilyn and Seth have to check out last nights hard work.
I am shoveling but as you can see it is pretty deep! Why doesn't anyone have snowblowers?! Oh ya because it doesn't snow here? Ya right!
Dave is measuring on top of the picnic tables on the patio.
Dave is feeding the birds. This is a free lunch and the birds appreciate it because all their normal food is covered up in the snow. We have had so many birds out here all day. We have had a lot of fun watching them. Dave is filling a birdfeeder with bread. It is usually so high up that I can't hardly reach it but the snow really makes the branches low.
Yep, they really appreciate Dave!


Laurence and Sidney said...

My goodness!! I cannot believe the snow.And I come from snow country. Way too many snowmen in the making there!!

Unknown said...

Marty said to tell you he thinks you take strange weather disasters with your wherever you go. I think snow would be great...all we get is ICE!!! I love birds but I don't think birds like ice anymore than we do.

Roy said...

Holy cow!!! And that snow is headed our way?!

Anonymous said...

Wow, that's impressive. We are supposed to get a lot of snow for the next few days as well. I hope your drive here is safe.

janice said...

all we got was a lousy 4 inches! i should have come up there and been snowed in with you. but noooo, i still have to go to work!! =(

Lisa said...

Oh my gosh! I would DIE if there was that much snow here!!!