Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Kite, bluegrass and more!

On Saturday I went to some garage sales with Sherilyn and found this cool kite for a whole dollar! It hadn't ever been used. The package was dusty but the kite was in brand new condition. We decided to go find a windy spot today and see if it would fly. It is like a bi-plane and has a wing span of 5 feet.
We drove out to Camano Island and looked all over by the beach but couldn't find the type spot we wanted. Finally we found an empty spot up on a windy hill. Perfect!
It really took off and looked like a plane in the sky. It was so much fun to watch.

We were like a bunch of kids with a really fun toy!

We let out all of the string and wished we had some more. Makes you want to sing "Let's go fly a kite up thru the atmosphere...."

A few weeks ago the Sherrills (who live in Darrington) told us that they, the Morgans, and some others wanted to come sometime and sing for Mom and Pops. They sing with a bluegrass group in Darrington and are really good!
We invited them to come for a barbeque and then they entertained us afterwards.
We had a ball! Shirley Sherrill is here by Meledie and Mom.
Pops and Dave helped make a pretty good audience
Jared and Mary also came to enjoy it with us. It was a wonderful evening. I had pictures of the whole group singing but they won't download so they will just have to come and do it again! We are talking about them singing for Mom and Pops 70th anniversary. Fun!

Fathers Day Bench

I told you before about the bench mom and I got for Pops and Dave for Fathers Day.... Mom loves it!!! Can you tell?
We finally got around to painting the shed to match the house. It only took me a year to get to it. Having bluegrass singers come puts me in the mood really quick to finish things up before they come!


Sheri Dickson Woodson said...

That kite looks way too fun! I don't think I will ever get tired of garage sales and the treasures and good deals waiting to be found.

janice said...

I like the "new" kite. what a fun BBQ!

Laurence and Sidney said...

You are so, so good!! The patio/shed/flowers/bench/table & chairs look awesome!!
I just marvel at how good you are to do so much for so many!!
I want to go garage saling with you!!

Tracy Collings said...

Wow, cool kite! I wish we could hear the singers! Looks like fun.

Tera said...

The kite looks like so much fun! What a great deal for a fun treat.

I love the bench and the shed. I can't believe all the changes and improvements you continue to make. You must be exhausted. :)

I love bluegrass music! I would love to here them in person.

Unknown said...

What fun!!! I love kites and that is a very cool one. I love the bench and I wish I could here the bluegrass. :) I miss you.