Sunday, November 16, 2008

Who called the fire department?

I have told you that Dave keeps working on this yard and wants to make it like a big park.... It bothered him that there were about 20 old tree stumps that he felt needed to be removed to ever succeed in his goal. At Family Home Evening last Monday he asked Uncle Jared what it would cost to bring in his excavator to dig up the stumps. Jared said he would do it for us for the price of the gas and seemed excited to have a project. Jared is 87 but acts like a kid on a new toy!
I was shocked by how much more was under the dirt than out of it! He put it all in a pile and they lit it and the guys have been adding to it and burning it for days. Some of the old growth tree roots are almost as big as a house!
Align CenterYesterday afternoon Lynn decided to throw an old fiberglass boat of Brent's on the fire. It was rotten and ugly in the yard. He took off the motor and trim. Wow! What a fire! The smoke was thick and black! Dave came in and told grandma and I to come and see and bring a marshmallow.
All of a sudden here came the fire department! The truck and all the crew! The guy said to me, "Where is your permit?" I said I was from Illinois! He told me there is a $10,000 fine for burning toxic stuff and not having a permit. He said we could have a 4 foot X 4 foot wood fire only. Oops. He called the Chief to see if they had to put it out and what to do. The chief said no to let it burn but no more fiberglass. They are mostly all friends of Lynn or Pops which was very good. At that point the boat was all gone so we are happy... the fire is still burning today and probably tomorrow.... I told you there is a lot of wood!


Tracy Collings said...

I'm glad you guys didn't get into too much trouble. I wouldn't mind coming out for a marshmallow roast!

Shayla said...

You BURNT all that wood? How many tables and clocks could we have gotten out of that??? :)

Tera said...

Looks like you guys are having WAY to much fun!

Laurence and Sidney said...

How long do you think you'll be able to use the "I'm from Illinois" excuse? I say do it as long as possible. But, invite us to the marshmallow roast BEFORE you light the fire:)

Bump and Erin said...

That stresses me out just imagining being in that situation with the fire department! Glad everything worked out well.

Kaleena said...

i tagged you... at my blot

Anonymous said...

lol! That is too funny. I hope you didn't roast marshmallows over the burning toxic boat.

Anonymous said...

Try "I'm from Utah"--it is believable much longer. Lee

janice said...

I guess if "I'm from Utah" works for the Border Patrol, it may work for the Fire Department. Right Lee??