Sunday, March 9, 2008

Trip to Washington

When I found out that both of my parents were sick and I knew Lynn and Sharon were gone for a month I got tickets to fly out to help them the next day. Dave drove me to Peoria. The weather was stormy but we made it okay. My flight went to Chicago and then to Seattle. The Chicago part was canceled due to weather. They booked me another way and then all flights were canceled so I spent the night in Peoria. The next day it was stormy and all flights except 2 were canceled but after a 4 hour delay mine was one of the 2 to leave. I was glad to make it to Washington!


Tracy Collings said...

I'm so glad you got to go. We sure love Grandma and Grandpa. I'm glad they're feeling a bit better.


Tera said...

I didn't realize it was such an adventure to get out there!

Unknown said...

I am glad you're back. I missed you. I know it was a blessing to them that you could go. I hope you know how much fun it has been having you next door and that we feel really good about your choice to go to Washington. We will miss you terribly but we are ok with it because we know it is right.