Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Tagged to a great guy!

Erin tagged me to tell about her dad. Dave. So here goes!

His name: David Harry Wright Jr.

How long have you been married?: 40 years (gulp)

How long did you date?: 1 year (9 months by letter, 3 months in person)

How old is he
: 65 (old as dirt)

Who eats more? Mostly he does. Now that I'm going to win the family biggest losers he way does!

Who said "I love you" first? Dave

Who is taller? Dave is 5'8". I am 5'1" and shrinking.

Who sings better? Neither could brag but our kids do!

Who is smarter? Dave when it comes to book things. Me when it comes to common sense.

Whose temper is worse? ? Not really much of a problem. Me??

Who does the laundry? Me (he buys the machine and that is the end of it)

Who does the dishes? I do most of the time. Once and a great while he will surprise me if I haven't had time.
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Right now, Me. I prefer the other side but he always beats up that side of the bed in his sleep. Now instead of me he hits the wall or throws himself on the floor. When I'm on the right I'm safe. We should have realized that years ago!

Who pays the bills? I'm a kept woman and proud of it!

Who mows the lawn? See the above. Besides he is so fussy that the lawn is never really finished. I sometimes ride on the lawn tractor to get some fun and sun but he always goes after to perfect the job.

Who cooks dinner? Me. Actually Jamie while we are working on the biggest looser. We have a deal and I have it made!

Who drives when you are together? Me, always unless I'm sick or way too tired.

Who is more stubborn? We are both pretty set in our ways.

Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? Dave... because he is always wrong.

Whose parents do you see the most? Mine unless Dave is seeing a little extra thru the veil.

Who proposed? He did.... way before I wanted to hear it!

Who has more friends? Both are pretty blessed with friends.
Who has more siblings? Same. We both have 4 .
Who wears the pants in the family? Dave. But I tell him which ones look good.

Well Erin I did it! I Tag the guys to tell about their wives. Lee, David, Marty, Steve, Jared, Brayden, Thad and Erick. Don't let me down guys!!!


Unknown said...

Yea!! I loved it!
You have such a great marriage.

Tracy Collings said...

This was fun, you know it's pure torture to have Steve do it though! He hates it. Love you.

Tera said...

Very fun Mom! I love it. I will work on Erick to get it done.

Shayla said...

these things are so funny to read!