Friday, October 24, 2008

My birthday!

We had a wonderful trip to Boston to help my Aunt Bessie Zeller at the International Health Food Show. The show was Thursday, Friday and Saturday. On Sunday we saw the Boston temple. Dave went to Boston for a couple of weeks and helped them open this temple but he hadn't seen it with the tower and angel Moroni. Because of lawsuits they had to wait to put it on.

The next day was my birthday. I had planned to keep it real low key and probably not even mention it.... that certainly didn't happen! As I came out of the bathroom that morning there was a gift on the bed. It was the most wonderful book ever that the kids had bound for me. It was full of letters and pictures from so many family and friends. I feel so humbled by it. It was so full of special stories and things to remember. The amount of work and money to print it overwhelmed me. I was in tears as I read it and would cry every time I'd even think about it. How did they ever contact so many people where I have moved so much? Do that many people even remember me and care that much? Very very humbling!

Later that morning we went on a DUCK tour all over Boston. First on land and then the truck drove right into the water for a tour by sea! As we drove into the water the driver made me take his seat and drive it! See the water out the window?

Then the driver took a picture of the reaction of the tour group to me driving!

Next was lunch at the Warf. I ordered "Twin Lobster" It was only $11.99 so I couldn't pass it up! Now if I can just figure out how to eat it.

That afternoon we drove to Salem and saw where they had the witch trials. It was a fun day that ended up at Friendlys for an Ice Cream Sunday. What a wonderful day! All 8 of my kids called and I've never felt so loved. NEVER EVER! Thanks everyone!


Bump and Erin said...

I am glad that you had such a great time in Boston!

Unknown said...

It was such a fun time!! I'm so glad you're sharing it!!

Tracy Collings said...

Sounds like a really fun day!

Unknown said...

I am so glad that you had such a fun birthday! You deserve it. Happy Birthday MOM!!

Kaleena said...

Aunt Viv.
I love your face trying to figure out how in the world to eat that lobster, that makes me laugh

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Dear Momma, happy birthday to you...

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Dear Momma, happy birthday to you...

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Dear Momma, happy birthday to you...